Its all about the Kefir…

July 4, 2024 | Oakfield

We’ve been experimenting with Kefir for about 4 months now and I can’t imagine not having a ‘ go to supply in the fridge’ Its so versatile. Not only can you drink it and mix no end of ingredients with it mint / ginger and so on .It is fantastic for making ‘ flat breads’!! Add flour + splash of Kefir & mix in a bowl – Rolling pin & voila, job done!!. In a hot a pan & takes seconds to cook. Once you’ve done it you’ll never buy supermarket wraps ever again. We purchased our Kefir grains from Plaw hatch farm .

Chances are if you’ve booked an Oakfield Lamb / Goat roast this year chances are you will have already tucked into a Kefir flat bread!